
VRA Investing Podcast: Market Resilience, Political Fact-Check, and 9/11 Reflections – Kip Herriage – September 11, 2024

In today's episode, Kip dives into the latest stock market movements, pointing out key sectors, commodities performance, and the resilience of the tech and semiconductor industries. Drawing parallels to the dot-com era, he provide ...

Posted On September 11, 20241457

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About This Episode

In today's episode, Kip dives into the latest stock market movements, pointing out key sectors, commodities performance, and the resilience of the tech and semiconductor industries. Drawing parallels to the dot-com era, he provides insights on leveraging dips for long-term gains and offers a bullish outlook on the market. Further, we commemorate the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 with a critical perspective on the official narrative. Tune into today's podcast to learn more.


Don’t look back. The market is closed. Good Wednesday afternoon, everyone. Kip Herriage here with the daily VRA investing podcast. Hope you had a good day today. Crazy day in the markets today. We have the CPI report tomorrow, which sent the markets tumbling one point. The Dow Jones was down over 700 points today before mounting a major rally led by, and this, of course, is key.

The semis, which then led tech, both closed sharply higher today. That’s textbook. We’ll cover that more in a moment. That’s important. Okay. We’ve been saying from the August 5 lows that those would be the lows for semis and tech because, remember, the rest of the market did not get hit very hard. Right? It was the semis got hit 28% bear market from all time highs in July to a bear market of losses of 28% in the semis in three weeks. If that rings a bell, if you’ve been, if you’re, if you’re an old timer like me, if you remember the 1995 to 2000 dot melt up bull market for tech, then you remember what I’m about to share with you here, because, again, we’ve made this comparison for two years now that this is, we believe, the most similar market to that, and we believe this is going to be a much, much larger and broader bull market.

It won’t just be tech. It’ll be broader. It’ll be joined with significant economic growth of getting to four or five, 6% plus a year for gdp. Again, the innovation revolution powering everything roaring 2020. So, but what happened in the.com melt up was we had six different shakeouts of at least 10%, and some of these were 13, 1415, 16%. And it did just what the name says. It shipped people out of the market and then, boom, off the races again. We even had a 32% bear.

This is the similar one, I think. We had a 32% bear market in Nasdaq 18 months before the final top of the.com melt up. That 32% bear market happened in less than three months, shook everybody out. It said the good times are over. No, no, no. That’s when they were starting. Nasdaq then went up for the last 18 months of the bull market, like 170%. Okay.

The total game for Nasdaq over five years was 575%, give or take. So these shakeouts, don’t let them, don’t let these shakeouts upend your medium to long term views on the market. That’s what really been, that’s been our base case. That’s been our base case. Now for the last two years, and that’s why we’ve consistently used dips to add to our positions. Yeah, we’ve traded, we’ve taken some gains. Nothing wrong with that. But for our core portfolio, the things that we really want to own through the majority of this big time bull market that we believe is going to take the Dow Jones to 100,000, we’ve got the work to back it up.

Driven by earnings, driven by a structural bull market. Because a structurally strong economy. Like, I watched the debate last night, and I know Trump loves to talk about how the economy has been destroyed and how everybody is being killed. It’s just if someone’s giving him bad advice. So I understand with the inflationary theme. Yeah, that’s real. That’s hurting people. Okay.

But the majority of America is in. This is the reality. And I’d love to have this conversation with Trump. I’ve had this conversation a thousand times with Wayne, and I haven’t got through to Wayne. So my guess is I wouldn’t get through to Trump either. Okay. And maybe there’s just more of a political point, okay. Because they know that negativity sells and it gets people to act.

And I understand that from a political point of view, but from a factual point of view, no, it’s just not true. We’ve covered this so often, and I think here at the VRA, we are honestly, not to pat himself on the back, but we’re really one of just a few people that have been telling you the truth about this economy based in facts. Again, just for our new folks here, I just. I’ve got it all memorized now. Right? We’ve been saying this now since we wrote the book the big bribe. We were shocked when Todd and I were searching the big bride. We were shocked by what we found. We couldn’t believe it.

Like, what? What is this? How do we not know this already? So here are some of the things we discovered. And again, they’ve only gotten stronger. And new structural elements of strength have then appeared over the last two years as well. So the obvious that everyone knows home prices at all time high. Well, that matters. That matters. 67% of all Americans, this is all american adults. 67% of Americans own at least, at least one home.

So, yeah, the home’s the most important asset. It’s the most important economic indicator there is, is housing. It drives literally everything. There’s nothing that comes, comes closer to housing. If you get the direction of housing prices right, and the housing market right, then you know which way the stock market’s going to go. If you track two things, in my opinion, track housing and track the semiconductors, you’re golden. You’re golden, pony boy. You know exactly where the economy and the markets are going to go.

But again, we’ve been, this has been our base case now for two years. So again, this is what allows us to say, you know what, we’re going to have the shakeouts, right? That’s why we never, we never ever buy that extreme robot. We wait for that to pass. We pay attention to seasonality. Obviously, September seasonality is not great. So we’re aware of all this. But we also didn’t sell everything because we believe that this is a bull market that these positions should be added to, which we started doing at the August 5 lows, and we’ve continued to buy these on dips. We did it again today with the semis intact.

But again, housing, all time high. Consumer net worth. All time high. This is a biggie too. Consumer net worth encompasses everything. Again, all time high. Net equity in homes, all time high. What’s significant about that? Not only is net equity in homes at an all time high, but we’ve got one third of Americans own their home without a mortgage.

Again, these are all records. All time high. What else? Another biggie. Again, you will not hear this talked about in the mainstream media. And is all my hand on the bible fact. We’ve written about this, we’ve covered it now for two years. Since the financial, since the financial crisis, 2008, 2009. We say 2007 really when it began, 2009.

Since then, we’ll call it 15 years. Americans have reduced their debt to disposable income by 25%. That’s a game changer. We see. Again, this is all the data, all the fed data, the fed data, everything. All the financial statistics back this up. Corporate America has done even more. So corporate debt to market cap is at a 50 year low.

So all of this tells us that the consumer is in, well, has likely never been in better shape. That’s just the reality. Not that they throw some negatives, not that we don’t have two Americans. I always feel like I have to explain this. Whenever I go on Fox Business and whenever Wayne has me on real America’s voice, this is the constant pushback that I get. But kip, you’re talking about the elite. Kip, you’re talking about. No, I’m, but I’m not.

I’m talking about the average American. Now there are two Americas. The first, America, has broadened against 67% of Americans own at least one home. Home prices, all time high. Net green. Homes, all time high. Okay, these are all facts, right? Stock market, all time highs. Okay, this all adds up, right? That’s consumer net worth, consumer net wealth.

So, yeah, there are two americas, and look, the America that matters to the markets. And this is always sounds like a cold statement to make. I understand, but I don’t come from the first America. I come from the second America. We were always broke growing up. So I’m not the elite. I’m not hanging out. My yacht club is what Charles Payne has accused me of before coming out of my ivory tower.

Not the case at all. I know what it’s like to be broke. I remember those days very well. We grew up in a mobile home, so I remember those days very well. But the America that matters to the markets, and that’s what we’re doing here, is it not? Most of America is doing really well, arguably better than we’ve ever done. Yes, there are negatives. Yes, inflation sucks. We get all that.

But that’s the structural element of this, that so many, certainly the bears, but even the bulls have missed. And this is what allows so many people to get shaken out when they have these 28% bear markets in the semis, as we just had, that’s just too much for people to take. And they’re like, okay, that means something really bad is about to happen, and it’s a sign of something bad coming. We’re going back into a bear market. I’m just going to sell everything. And that’s what happens. Right? That’s how most investors, and it is most investors that don’t have a kind of a compass for how to handle the emotions of investing. This is why most investors buy high and sell low, and then it happens time and again.

It just wipes out well. So our base case has been, this is that bull market, and we’re going to use these dips, these shakeouts to add to positions, because this is, again, another simple truth. The smartest of smart money strategies from the bear market lows of October 13, 2022, has been by the dip. There is no bet. There’s been no smarter strategy. And that’s our belief here. We have negative seasonality in September, but the August 5 lows matter. Yes, we have some anxiety about the election, and who knows what these deep state bulls want to try to do to us next.

But the market is not the economy, and the market’s going to do its own thing. And this is a structural market that we believe will continue to rise. We’re looking at 2025 30 plus percent gains going forward for a number of years. Especially with what we’re seeing with GDP growth and the innovation revolution about skyrocket. So that’s our base case. That’s why we’re adding to positions. That’s why we’re now aggressively adding and have been to the semis on this pullback. We use leverage ETF’s to do that.

Uh, and, and tech and then the rest of the market follows. And did we ever see it today? So uh, before I get into the markets today, the CPI data, I want to also touch on what I should have led off with. And that is the, this is the 23rd anniversary of 911. I put out a full piece on this today. It’s the exact same piece that I put out since the 2006, uh, when I first, um, when I first decided to speak up about this and about what, what we were finding and what experts that I was talking to, scientific experts, architects and engineers, airplane airline pilots. Okay. They were telling me that they had real questions, like they didn’t believe. I remember the first time I heard this was about 2003, 2004.

And I was on the phone with somebody and this person was telling me about the way the towers fell. And I was like, yeah, that was weird. How did that happen? And he said, I’ve got a friend that’s an airline pilot and has been for forever, who told me that there’s absolutely no way that these hijackers could have flown those flight patterns. He said it’s an impossibility. Not because they weren’t skilled enough. Now, we’ve since found out, no, they weren’t. They could, they could barely, they barely even could fly a single engine Cessna. A couple of them were thrown out of their flight simulator schools because they couldn’t do that.

So, but he said, that’s not the point. But he said it’s the, it’s the, it’s the routes they flew and the speed with which these planes went. He goes, I flew these exact planes and these planes could not fly at those speeds or make those turns without falling out of the sky. So these things started adding up to me. So I really started digging in, making some contacts, talking to family members. Again, I worked in New York during that time. I was not in New York on 911, but also with Oppenheimer at the time. And we were, excuse me, when I worked in New York, I was with Oppenheimer and we were in World Trade center number five.

So I knew people that died on that day. And so again, it just, to me, in 2006, I finally had enough. Again, the wars were raging in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s all that you just have that never needed to happen. Right? 911 created all of this. Of course, from that we also got the Patriot act, which has really destroyed so many of our civil liberties. And then, you know, we see what’s happened since. You know, it’s just they continue to take, take, and the Patriot act has allowed that to happen.

So all of this happened because of 911. So. And I’ll just, again, you’ll find it on our blog. If you haven’t seen it already, we send an email out to our folks. It’s on our blog as well@kippharriage.com. dot I’ll just, I’ll just say this, because to me, superseding all of this is that if I had lost a family member on 911 in one of the towers in the Pentagon or in Shanksville, if I had lost a family member, I would not stop until I felt like I had an answer to why they were murdered. And because I’ve spoken to so many family members and friends and family of theirs, this is really what drives me. And I know I speak for so many of you.

We got so much feed every year we focus on this. We get so much feedback. People say, you know, I feel exactly the same way. But it’s even gotten worse because the FBI, the criminality of DC, the deep state, et cetera, it has only gotten worse. But I think that’s the important thing. We cannot stop, because if we had stood up as a people, my hands in the air for me, okay, I’m not pointing fingers, but at the time, had we spoken up more and taken a bigger stand and demanded an honest investigation, rather than the 911 commission, which has been completely debunked, absolutely fraudulent investigation. There’s no doubt about that now. Now all the facts have come in.

But then we could have prevented so much of what happened, what followed. Instead, look at all the negative things that have happened since then. The wars, the financial crisis, Obamacare, rigged election, the plan demic, the poison jabs. I think that they realize that, hey, if we can get away with 911, there’s nothing we can’t get away with. And I would just say that let’s keep fighting. We’re going to keep up the good fight. The good guys are going to win. And I believe that to my core.

But again, more than anything, to all those that have lost their life on 911, all the first responders, the thousands and thousands of cancer cases I saw today 17,000 people that were first responders and worked at the scene, 17,000 people have cancer from that. What was in that error. Right. And so for everyone that’s been impacted and affected by this has lost their life. You know, I don’t know. Thoughts and prayers aren’t enough, are they? But we just can’t, we can’t lose, we can’t lose the memory of them. And I think it’s in their memory that the fight must continue to open people’s eyes. Over half the country does not believe so.

Our work is because we’re speaking up. It is having an impact. Over half, it’s multiple, multiple surveys. Over half the country does not believe the official story. And of course, since then, our eyes have been opened by so much that now we just don’t trust the powers that be. And that’s a very, that’s a very healthy distrust, by the way. That’s what we have to keep going, keep digging, keep demanding the truth and of our elected officials and never stop the fight. We’re not sheepdenne, you know, we never stopped to fight.

Okay, moving on. This morning we got the CPI data. Really, frankly, it came in line, the fact the market fell out of bed today. You know, here’s the reason why. The market basically said, okay, so we’re not going to get 50 basis point rate cut. Not that it matters. The Fed is way behind the curve. We cover this so often.

I shared your chart this morning. You take a look at ten year yields. I mean, from 5%, ten year yield in, was it October of 2023? Folks, that was not even a year ago. Ten year yields were 5%. Now we’re down to 3.65%. Right. But, but the Fed still has not acted. So we have, the Fed funds rate is an effective yield of 5.33%.

It’s 100 now, 165 basis points above, excuse me, below ten year yield. So the Fed is way off base. That’s what the market reacted to today because the market is now having a bit of a growth scare, another recession scare. But I also think that’s why the market came back today, because we’re not going to have a recession, folks, again, we covered all that the beginning of this podcast, do we not? We have a structurally strong economy. We have a solid jobs market. The innovation revolution is only going to make it stronger. And that’s what the Fed, at the end of the day, that’s what they know. They know they’ve got more time to cut.

But the market did not like that entrance. They got today from what was really essentially, again, an inline CPI report, meaning next Wednesday when the Fed makes their decision. Yeah, they’re almost certainly going to cut about 25 basis points now. They should. That’s a mistake. We’re on record as saying that they should have been cutting in the first quarter this year. But anyway, what matters most again, from our point of view is it’s not the news, it’s the market’s reaction to that news. And again, today’s another reminder.

Never, ever, ever believe the market’s initial reaction to any forum of government economic data. Never ever believe it. If you need, we never have better evidence than we saw this today. Right? Again, the Dow Jones opened lower and then just kept going lower, down over 800 points at one point of the Dow fenced higher by 125 points. That’s a 900 point rally from the lows of this morning, led, of course, by the semis. And tech, again, just a house on fire here. Estimate just semi ETF up 5% today. Again, here’s the key.

You go. Well, Kip. God, it sounds like we really missed a chance. We did. By the way, in parabolic options. I missed a great trade today for all our parabolic options members. I apologize again. We put a limit order in on our semi calls, did not get billed, didn’t raise it, and of course, they just kept going.

But remember, the semis are still 17% below all time highs. Those are the July all time highs. So it just happened. Okay, so, you know, the semis are going to continue to lead this bull market. We will take action to get back on track and parabolic. But we have been aggressively adding to the semis through our leverage ETF, Soxel, and to tech through our leverage ETF, TQQQ, and Soxl. Today, for example, was up 13%. TQQ was up over 6% today.

And again, these are still opportunities. Take a look at the chart. We’ve been focused on these charts because they’re so textbook. These are textbook buy signals on these charts. Know this. The semis bounced off of the 200 day moving average. Again. That happened on August 5.

Exactly. Now the 200 day is rising. Okay, so now they bounce off a higher 200 day, but also bounce exactly off again, while also hitting heavily to extreme oversold on our momentum oscillator. So that’s back up the truck territory. That’s back at the truck territory. And the semis and tech will continue to. So this, this move is just getting started again. We are in September elections coming up.

I still think we’re going to have some volatility. Some top determine action. But that’s why we keep buying dips. That’s what our plan is here, to keep loading the boat with our favorite positions. Whenever you have the ability to do so, add to these positions on dips that these are, these are markets giving us a gift because the semis are going to skyrocket from here. Again, 18% below all time highs. That’s a gift because we’re going back to all time highs and then some and a lot because again, AI, the semis are going to continue to lead Nvidia, etcetera. And so that, that’s how we’re playing.

That’s how we continue to play it. Yeah. I mean, when you have this kind of strength in semis, in tech, the rest of the market’s going to follow. That is textbook. That is how it happens. So again, Nasdaq today, up better than 2%. SMH today up 5%. Sv 100 up 1% today.

And rust 2000 up three tenths to 1%. Getting some strange trades here after hours. Probably just my system. Let me just double check something here. I don’t know. That’s right. My bad, my bad. That’s right.

Dow Jones did finish up three tenths of 1%. SVF hundred up better than one 10th. Better than 1% today. The ten year yields again 3.65% will continue to head lower. We’re now entering a Fed rate cutting cycle. They’re going to cut, they’re going to cut the Fed funds rate by 125 basis points between now and year end. And the markets will like it. And what are the most interest rate sensitive groups? Well, it’s technology, it’s semi is intact.

That’s why they’ll continue to lead. And of course we love precious metals and miners talked about this chart yesterday, shared it this morning in our VRA letter, a new buy signal. We just got in the, in the gold miners on this little pullback, remember, they’ve had a massive move again, it’s such a stealth, full market. Even as I was writing the VRA letter this morning, I ran the numbers just to make sure I had this right. And I did. I think very few people will believe what I’m about to tell you is true. Since February, the end of February, GDX, the gold miner ETF is up 42%. Do you hear anyone talking about the miners? Right.

Our position in UGT, which is the two time leveraged miner ETF is up 86% since the end of February. I mean this is the top sector performance wise in the markets. And again, it’s a stealth bull market. That’s the best kind of, because that means we need to make sure we are loaded to the gills in the miners, especially the juno miners through there are going to skyrocket. So we’re positioned throughout. We love physical gold and silver. We don’t save in fiat currency. We save in real currency.

Right? We save in the real stuff, gold and silver, because again, they’re putting our currency into oblivion. And our dollars. If you live in the bank account, guess what? You’re going to lose money every year. And it’s, you’re going to lose a lot of it every year. That’s not going to change, folks. Money printing. We are in the financial engineering stage. It doesn’t matter who wins the debate.

All right? Money printing will continue. All right, so before I get to the internals, I do want to talk about the debate here, okay? Because, look, was anyone surprised by the debate? I wasn’t. It was, it was, it was nauseating to have to sit through it. But the way that Trump was treated, it was three on one. There’s no doubt about it. Harris absolutely. Without questions. Had the questions in advance.

There’s just no way she didn’t. We’ve seen this person before when she has to speak off the cuff, she is not very good at it. And you can tell as it started, she was nervous. I mean, I understand that, right? You’re up against Trump. You know, she’s never had anything this high profile in her life, period. But she found her footing pretty quick. And why did she? Because she’s memorized. She had the questions and she memorized the answers, and she did.

She baited Trump several times. He fell for it. Trump didn’t have his best debate, but it was three against one. She did have the questions in advance. So again, and it’s not like they haven’t already abused the hell out of this guy. I mean, look at what they’ve thrown at him. I mean, you, in addition, trying to kill him, you know, everything, the, the, the charges, indictments, the, I hate to even call him a felon, but legally, that’s what he is many times over. But they tried to bury the man.

They tried to give him a heart attack, and he stood strong. So I’m not knocking Trump. I think even he would admit to his closest confidants that he did not have a great night. But again, I’m not holding that against him. It’s just an observation. This guy’s a rock star. He is. He’s a brick wall.

You know, this guy is. He can’t be stopped, you know, so he won the debate because I think most Americans saw exactly what happened. Harris lied through her teeth over and over again. He was fact checked. She wasn’t. I want to share something with, and by the way, not a single question last night about the assassination attempt. Trump had to bring it up himself. How outrageous is this? We do not hate the mainstream media nearly enough.

These are, they’re not just bad at their job. These are evil people because they’re not stupid. They know what they’re doing. And they’re, of course, owned and operated by the intelligence community. This has been proven over the years, over the decades, frankly, that they’ve got their people positioned at pretty much every media empire, both tv and printhead. So they control the stuff. That’s what Trump’s up against. Right.

But I want to share something with you because I thought this is, you know, the CNN today, again, more fake news. CNN today claimed that Kamala Harris only told one. They said fault only had one false claim. They said Trump had 33. Now, if you watch the debate like I did, oh, what a joke that that statement is. What that position is. Right. But this is a great.

Kip Herriage [00:26:40]:
Charlie Kirk put this out today, and I think this is phenomenal. What a great. He’s got a great team. Because they went through her lies. And no, it wasn’t one. Let me cover a few of the ones from last night. You already know these, but I want to get this on the record for this podcast. Kamala called it a lie that she supports mandatory confiscation of firearms.

But have you seen the videos? They’re everywhere now. In 2019, she said she absolutely wanted a mandatory buyback of all assault weapons. She called it a lie. CNN said was the truth. It’s a lie. She also said that nowhere in America is abortion happening up until birth. And the muir came out and said, no, it was the female nearby. I forget her name.

She said, as you know, that’s not true. Abortion to birth is not happening anywhere in America at this very moment. Abortion through all nine months of pregnancy is legal in New Mexico, Minnesota, Oregon, Colorado, Vermont, New Jersey, Alaska, and Washington, DC. So that’s lie number two. There’s several. Okay. She also brought up the neo Nazis. Very fine people lie.

That’s been debunked by everybody. ABC should have fact checked her on this because that’s an absolute bald faced lie. Trump did not say that. And I think they know it gets under his skin, which is why they do it. They bait him with it. Right? There’s such a better way to reply to that. You know, there you go again, telling lies. You know, if I were to Trump, I would have said early on, I would have said, oh, okay, so I get it.

It’s going to be three against one tonight. All right, let’s go. I can, I can. I can handle all three of you, you know, make a lot of it. And then everyone’s going to be. Is going to sit back in their shoe, in their, in their chair and go, okay, he’s on to us. Right? And then they’re going to be more nervous about their attacks on him. But again, he’s got a lot on his mind.

Of course. What else? There was another really big fracking. Banning fracking. She said she made it very clear that she supports fracking and doesn’t want to ban it. But in the 2020 primaries, on live tv, she said, there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking. And she also, by the way, said that police officers were murdered on January 6. Called it the worst day since the civil war. Today’s 911.

What is wrong with this person? Right? But no, there were no police officers that were murdered on January 6. There was one police officer that died the next day. That’s Officer Brian Sicknick, but he died of natural causes. He suffered no injuries. This is according to the medical examiner. So there’s a few right there, just to show you. It’s CNN, ABC, even Fox. Okay? They’re bringing up, they’re highlighting some of this, but it’s the media altogether.

Thank God we’ve got a friend like Wayne Allen root that’s in the media. They can hold these people’s feet to the fire. And we have someone honest that we can listen to. By the way, Trump got a call last night after the debate. Trump. Trump called Wayne after the debate last night, had a conversation with him. Wayne put out a newsletter update about that today. You may have seen that Trump, Wayne’s in Trump’s inner circle.

That’s a very good thing. I hope there’s another debate, and I hope that Trump allows Wayne to be his debate prep guy because whoever, whoever prepared Trump for this debate did him no favors. Did him no favors whatsoever. Trump’s better than that. If there’s another debate, I fully expect Trump to eviscerate comrade Harris. Okay, let’s get to the internals today. Look, we had such an ugly open that the eternals never quite caught up. But, I mean, they were good today, not great.

NYSE again, remember, Dow Jones was negative 800 points at one point. SB 500 also down more than 1% until the last hour and a half of trading. And then here came the big rally. Advancing stocks led declining stocks by 400 issues. NYSE also. NYSE volume was positive by almost two to one. That’s a big comeback. Also, NYC Nasdaq was positive by 600.

Issues and volume, this is a big one. Let me run the quick number on this. Nasdaq volume, 1 second. Yes. 71% of volume day for Nasdaq today to go with the big reversal and gains higher there. Also, we had about 70 more stocks. Hit a new 52 week low high than hitting a new 52 week low. So internals were good today in our sector.

Watch today. Mixed bag, honestly, is kind of what you expected. Again, the late day rally helped, but by then, some of the damage was done. We had six sectors finished higher, five inch lower technology and leading the way up 3.2%. And the downside, energy down today. Energy stocks down 910 of 1%. Now, commodity watch, snow, secret love. Gold, especially the miners here.

Gold was lowered today by $2 an ounce at 25 40, putting it $30 an ounce below all time highs. Again, the miners of the play, though, they came back from big opening losses to finish flat on the day. Silver was up 1.3% today to dollar, 29 an ounce. Copper also up today, 1.7% at 416 a pound. Crude oil bouncing back up one point because of the, I think because of the storm. Probably also just so oversold, extreme oversold on steroids. Crude oil is due for, if nothing else, is due for a big bounce. But today, up a dollar six two on a barrel, that’s 2.4% at 67.36 a barrel.

And finally, the day, bitcoin, quiet day, really finishing flat right now, 57,463. We are. We have a 1.3 million bitcoin left to mine. And that’s it. That’s only $80 billion worth of total bitcoin. Okay. That’s going to be eaten up before you know it. Look, we’re in bitcoin.

We’ve traded it successfully in the past. We’re not in bitcoin for a trade. We went long again at 28,800. Again right now, 57,000. We’re essentially up 100% in our latest purchase from June of last year. But as we said at the time, as we said religiously then, we’re not in this one for a trade. Right? We’re in bitcoin now for the long term cycle. Move higher, I believe it’s going to take bitcoin to 250,000.

And I still look for bitcoin to hit 100,000 by year end. When this gets going, it’s going to skyrocket. It’ll catch everyone off guard with the shorts on the wrong side of this, which I believe is exactly where they are now. Bitcoin is ready to go, folks. It’s a great buy at these prices. All right, folks, I always appreciate you listening. Hope you had a great day and even better night. We’ll see you back here again tomorrow after the close.


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Time Stamps

00:00 Semis and tech surged after recent lows.
03:54 Political view false; VRA accurate, economy factual.
08:57 Investors panic and sell during market downturns.
10:48 Reflecting 9/11 anniversary, market trends and CPI data.
13:16 Driven by 911, seeking answers for victims.
17:14 Market scare recovered; strong economy outweighs concerns.
22:13 Gold miners ETF up 42% since February.
24:31 She baited Trump; debates were skewed against him.
27:55 ABC ignored truth, allowing baiting of Trump.
31:48 Gold down, silver and copper up; oil rebounds.
33:17 Bitcoin will hit 100,000 by year-end.

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